Saturday, October 10, 2009

I decided to show you around the good old Levin railway station. Trains sometimes go around here but not often. Levin is not a large town, but a large amount of cars go through, because a highway runs through the middle. Well, what can I say? If you live in New Zealand, chances are that you have been through Levin at some time or other. Getting back to the railway station, I think that at least 5 trains go through each day. Hardly any people can be seen at any given time, oh, and there was a time when I went to the station to wait for a train, It arrived twenty minutes late!

Monday, October 5, 2009

I'm Stasys and I live in The Little Town of Levin. I will be guiding you through even the remotest little corner of this magnificent town. This town is just the right size for living, for example ten minute walk from the shops, or a five minute drive to work. Now do you have that legacy at your home town / city ?
Levin has two lakes, a very old racecourse ( there's a bit of history ) and is 8 km from the Tasman sea ( which all of us just call Hokio Beach) , a railway station, rowing club, sailing club, two colleges, shopping mall, a huge variety of various shops, and of course, the great Tararua Ranges.
So, just take a rest and I will see all of you shorly!
Till next time!